From harvest to family, shopping, and gratitude, we have so many important themes to embrace on Thanksgiving. It has become the epitome of American culture and has represented an abundance in various forms. The holiday also brings many emotions and may be viewed differently among people in the same country. For some, it is about feasts and abundance; others associate it with the holiday spirit and shopping. On the other hand, Indigenous people view it as a day of mourning. And for others, it portrays a deep spiritual connection. There is something for everyone about this holiday.
As melancholic as it may seem, autumn hides a powerful symbolic association that curiously parallels our lives. In fact, fall is the harvest season of all that nature has planted and cultivated over the last year. It is also a period of shedding and letting go, building energy reserves, and preparing for rest.
Leaves drop the remaining seeds that will find a new place in the ground, while tree roots continue to soak up and store nutrients from the soil, propagating farther into the earth. Likewise, animals begin to store food, and many, like bears and rodents, prepare to hibernate to build their energy stores for the next season. Thus, nature guides us into a reflective stage, to take time to harvest our achievements, pause, and reflect on our goals. And if you do not resist, you will feel more present. Whether meditation, soul-searching through journaling, or nature walks, connecting to and nourishing inner-self to boost immunity, it is essential to remember that each of us walks our own path, remaining true to our personal goals rather than competing with others.
Let yourself take up all you have done and pause, accept and let go of anything that no longer serves you while healing and preparing yourself for the following year’s intentions, goals, and achievements. What do you need, what can you do better, what will you take with you into the next year, what will you leave behind, and what will you change? These also spark interesting conversations over Thanksgiving dinner.
Gratitude Mindset
Gratitude has always been the theme of Thanksgiving. The joy and kindness among people bring up the best in us, inspiring a charitable spirit and building on positive vibrations. In fact, according to research, gratitude has been associated with better overall health. Gratitude and kindness boost our confidence and compassion, build connections with others, and ground us in the present moment. Gratitude has an incredible effect on our mind and body, decreasing cortisol and its corresponding impact on blood pressure, insulin, and body healing. It increases serotonin and dopamine levels, as well as releases endorphins. Being mindful in various ways that you practice gratitude and kindness is undoubtedly contagious, bringing joy to those around you. No act of kindness is small, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself.
FEASTivities and Abundance
With the harvest season, festivals, and food, Thanksgiving is a time to feast, which we typically associate with green beans, turkey, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes. However, it wasn’t always the case, and a look into how the feast has evolved since the first pilgrims may offer new perspectives. If you are planning to travel, you may be surprised to discover a new twist on tradition, which is a tradition of its own elsewhere. Likewise, If you are looking for unique dishes to impress your friends and family, these recipes are sure to stand out. And who said turkey must take center stage? For those who want to keep their meal plentiful yet healthy.
Fun Conversations
There is no Thanksgiving without football, or is there? Whether you prefer to focus on family or friends, the holidays always spark meaningful conversations, provoking thought, laughter, and reflection. Many find joy in sharing their personal moments of gratitude, while others create fun conversation themes.
With amazing colors, joyful spirit, relaxation and reflection, and drawing on our inner power to prepare for the year ahead, Fall is undoubtedly a unique season where everyone can find something for themselves during this special time.