Gabe's Spotless Wheelchair Cleaning is a unique service that specializes in mobility aid cleaning and disinfecting. We are the only business in Arizona, and one of the few in the country, that use a truly mobile, self-contained cleaning system.
-We offer wheelchair, powerchair, scooter, and walker cleaning and disinfecting
-We can do minor repairs and tightening of wheelchairs and walkers
-We work with long-term care facilities to keep their residents equipment clean and safe with our Infection Management Program
-We offer discounts to non-profit organizations
-We rent wheelchairs and walkers for short-term use
-We repair cast saws and other minor medical equipment
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Gabe's Spotless Wheelchair Cleaning is a unique service that specializes in mobility aid cleaning and disinfecting. We are the only business in Arizona, and one of the few in the country, that use a truly mobile, self-contained cleaning system. This is important because those who use mobility equipment depend on them to get through the day. Many can't afford to be without their equipment while they wait a day or more for someone to clean it. As a result, most people have their mobility aids cleaned far less than they would like. It is our goal to address and solve this vital need. In pursuit of that goal, the type of clients we serve range from individuals to large Long-term Care Facilities.
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