Knee PainDo you suffer from daily joint pain and discomfort? Does it hurt to open a jar or shake someone’s hand? Do everyday activities take longer than they used to? If so, CBD may be the solution you have been waiting for.

In recent years, CBD has been proven to have many health benefits, and it currently helps millions like you every day. Older adults across America are trading prescription medications for CBD to treat chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, and many other ailments. 

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an organic compound found in the hemp plant that is garnering significant attention for its medicinal properties. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating all of our different metabolic processes and keeping everything in balance. Even though it is derived from the hemp plant, CBD produces no mind-altering effects, which is why it is currently available nationwide. 

If you are an older adult, here are some ways CBD can improve your quality of life:

CBD Helps You Stay Active

From scientific studies to anecdotal evidence, there is now compelling proof that CBD is highly efficient in treating mild to moderate levels of pain and physical discomfort. As a result, many older adults are turning to CBD to help them stay active and physically fit.

Studies have shown that regular exercise can have a wide range of health benefits for people over the age of 50. Physical activity can prevent various common diseases such as high blood pressure, low bone density, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer. Conversely, lack of regular exercise may cause reduced muscle mass and physical endurance, and it can be detrimental to your overall immune functions.

By alleviating pain and aches that prevent you not only from exercising but also from doing other activities like playing with your grandchildren or walking your dogs, CBD can help you maintain the ability to live independently well into your golden years.

CBD Helps Regulate Sleeping Patterns

Seniors typically have more difficulty achieving long periods of deep sleep. They can take longer to fall asleep and often wake up in the middle of the night without being able to go back to sleep. In older adults, these changes in sleeping patterns are commonly caused by anxiety, physical pain, and depression due to the loss of loved ones and even other life-changing events such as retirement. 

As mentioned before, CBD can significantly alleviate pain which often contributes to a lack of sleep. However, CBD has also been proven to effectively improve mood levels by interacting with endocannabinoid receptors in the brain according to research. Mood factors are directly responsible for anxiety, stress, and depression. Hence, CBD helps increase overall sleep amounts and improve sleep quality.

While an occasional night without adequate sleep will only make you feel tired and fatigued the next day, regular lack of sleep can affect your overall health in the long run. Too little sleep can lead to serious medical conditions and make you prone to balance deficiencies that cause falls and other accidents. Research also indicates that too little sleep can affect metabolism and cause weight gain.

CBD May Prevent Neurodegenerative Diseases

While scientific research is still ongoing, studies conducted so far have shown promising results for CBD as a treatment for symptoms associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s.

One of the most critical factors determining our susceptibility to neurological diseases is neuroinflammation, or inflammation affecting our nervous system. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can reduce inflammation affecting receptors that are found throughout the brain. Most importantly, CBD can reduce inflammation in receptors located in the hippocampus, which acts as the memory center of the brain. Furthermore, cannabinoids like CBD contain antioxidants that work as brain protectors which may help prevent Parkinson's disease and other common diseases in the elderly.

A Safer Option

These are just some of the most common reasons seniors nationwide are adding CBD to their daily routine; however, CBD products can improve your quality of life in many more ways. CBD can be used to balance energy levels, alleviate headaches, and even to combat symptoms of diabetes and other debilitating conditions.

While most people prefer CBD hemp oil, CBD can also be found in other forms like gummies, capsules, and CBD-infused coffee. Additionally, CBD produces no adverse side effects making it a better option than prescription drugs and other habit-forming medications.