Tooth BrushTaking care of our oral health is something that we’re usually taught as toddlers and as a result, we quickly build up habits that stick with us for life. However, age changes everyone and unfortunately, our teeth are no exception to that rule! While the best Finchley dentist could provide all the dental care you need, maintaining your oral health in the meantime can be done much more simply than you might think. Here, we’re exploring just how to keep up good care of your teeth, gums and mouth even as we age.

Try and Manage Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is an unfortunate issue that we may have to face as our bodies begin to change. Aging alone isn’t thought to be a cause of dry mouth, but any new medications or growing conditions could increase the chances of a dry mouth, which can then increase your chances of cavities or tooth decay. It’s a bit of a vicious circle, so it’s important to ensure that you’re staying hydrated at all times. Moisturising mouthwash, hydration sprays, sugar-free gum and simply drinking more water can encourage the production of saliva or if all else fails, you could speak to your local pharmacy about artificial saliva products. Additionally, speak to your GP if you think it could be caused by medication!

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

While you aren’t guaranteed to suffer with increasingly sensitive teeth as you age, the effects of daily life may have slowly weakened your teeth and you may find yourself prone to the grimace associated with sharp tooth-related pain. Of course, this pain does dissipate, but using toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth could be a great way to help you avoid it completely. Worn tooth enamel is usually the culprit, and specific toothpastes often help to strengthen what is there and provide a protective layer where possible.

Build Up A Relevant Routine

If you’ve found that your teeth have begun to change through wear and tear, it could be time to change your oral routine. If you need to brush more often, there’s no harm in giving a quick brush after lunch, or pick a toothpaste with more or less fluoride depending on how your teeth are reacting. Flossing is another habit to pick up if you don’t do it already to make sure you’re getting any trapped food out of your teeth.

Monitor Your Food Intake

If you’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, it could be time to start monitoring what you eat. While we aren’t saying you need to give up sugar completely, cutting down or opting for healthier alternatives could be a great way to not only save your teeth, but help improve your overall bodily health too. Starch-filled snacks are another risk, so try and replace sugar and starch where fiber where possible.

Visit A Dentist Regularly

We know, going to a dentist isn’t always the most pleasant of experiences but it is necessary for picking up any potential problems long before they can become an issue. Regular check-ups are a great way to keep an eye on your oral health, but an even better way for your dentist to pick up on any other potential health risks too. So take a deep breath, book that appointment, and take a trip to visit your dentist.

Our oral health is an important part of our overall wellbeing and ensuring that we keep track of it as we age can help us keep an eye on our overall health state. From visiting your dentist, to adjusting your daily routine to suit, hopefully our guide has given you a perfect place to start with your oral health routine.