
You've finally decided to retire from your job; now what? For as long as you can remember, your identity was tied to being an investment banker, teacher, attorney, or whatever it is you might have done.  The old saying that “the grass is always greener on the other side” certainly holds true among many retirees, as one in five say that they miss working. That’s understandable since many of these individuals tied their identities to their careers for many, many years. Specifically, some retirees miss the physical activity, some miss the mental engagement, some miss being part of a team, some miss the extra income, and some miss a little bit of everything.

There are a number of readily available part-time jobs that can scratch these itches. It’s usually a good idea to find one that does not require a long-term commitment. After a brief return to the working world, many individuals suddenly remember why they retired in the first place and they long for the days without work-related obligations.


This job is very good for retired educators and anyone else who has a passion for learning. It’s relatively easy to get started with lessons for friends and relatives or by registering with one of the many online tutoring websites. Relationship commitments vary, as some students need help for an entire year and some only need help with a particular assignment. All levels are available as well, from kindergarteners who need help with basic math skills to doctoral students who need editors for their dissertations.

Many tutors reserve study rooms at local libraries while others go to their students’ homes. The pay is usually rather high as well, but it usually includes both tutoring time and preparation time.


The transition may be even easier here, as most former employers welcome their retirees back on a part-time basis. Other businesses in the same or a similar industry might want these services as well. Older workers often have substantial experience and a “been there, done that” attitude that’s a real asset for any team. If the employer allows telecommuting, that’s even better.

For compensation starters, most people divide their prior salary by the number of hours worked, and then go up from there.

Athletic Instructor

This gig won’t make you rich. In fact, a lot of these positions are either entirely unpaid or pay very little. But, if you have a passion for a certain sport, enjoy working with younger kids, and have a lot of patience, a head or position coach position may be just the ticket. Most coaches must sign on for an entire season, but that’s usually only about two dozen games, or even less.

Coaching is also excellent for people who want to stay active, especially if it’s a baseball, football, soccer, or other outdoor sport.

Dog Walker

These positions are also very good for people who want to get out and be active. There’s pretty much no commitment, except for a few laps around the block. Pets usually adore their caregivers, so that’s another plus. The income may not be significant, but this is another job that has substantial non-monetary benefits.

Speaking of being healthy, seniors who walk a lot and want to maintain comfort while active should consider gel insoles. In addition to comfort, they also support good posture, which is very important for everyone.

Tax Preparer

Even non-accountants can be tax preparers after they complete brief training programs. These jobs are very good for people who want lots of activity for a few months and lots of inactivity for the rest of the year. That schedule works very well for many retired people. The pay is not particularly high, but it is very steady work that’s relatively easy to perform.

Some other good jobs to consider include medical biller, virtual assistant, repair person on call, blogger, and library/teacher aid.