PainterExcited about the idea of finally remodeling your home? It truly is thrilling to finally get the look that you’ve been dreaming about, but home renovation also comes with risks that you have to watch out for and try to minimize. Especially if you have senior household members, you must take into consideration additional things in order to make home safe for elderly. During the remodeling process, certain precautions must be taken to reduce both minor and life-threatening risks.

The most common health risks that come with renovating your home include the following:

1. Asbestos

Those who own homes that were built from the 1950s to the 1990s are likely to be exposed to this risk since asbestos was used as insulation before it was found out in the 1980s that it contained cancer-causing materials. Asbestos was often used in ducts, pipes, walls, and floor coverings, which is why you need to be extra cautious before taking down walls or floors on your own. It would be safer to hire indoor environmental experts to test the materials used in your home or call in professionals for the demolition job.

2. Mold

Prolonged exposure to moisture and humidity causes mold to grow and thrive, usually behind walls, in bathrooms, on the ceiling, in the basement, or anywhere with not enough ventilation. Air movers can help remove the moisture from the air in your home. Experts recommend 100 cubic feet per minute fans per appliance present in your home. If not treated, mold can cause respiratory issues when inhaled for a long time. Seniors with compromised respiratory health are especially vulnerable to mold. Call for a professional to remove mold once and for all.

3. Lead

Just like asbestos, lead was commonly used in paint products sold in the 19th century, until it was discovered to cause adverse side effects to the health of people exposed to it. It poses an even bigger risk if found in peeling or cracked lead paint since such state can produce dust that can easily spread into the air. If your house is found to have lead, you should hire professionals to deal with its complete removal.

4. Fumes

Anyone exposed to fumes from freshly applied paint, stains used in timber or surface adhesive used during the renovation may feel lightheaded and suffer from headaches. These symptoms are especially unsafe for older people, who might easily stumble and get serious injuries from it. Avoid staying in the room that has work being done and make sure to keep that room well-ventilated before entering it again.

5. Dust

Despite not having the same dangerous chemicals as the other elements mentioned above, dust still posed a risk. There is bound to have dust after removing plaster or knocking down some walls. Seniors with asthma should avoid the area or wear mask and goggles at all times. Dust can easily trigger eye and respiratory irritation. The renovated area should be properly sealed from the rest of the areas in the house to prevent dust from spreading and causing further damage.

6. Electrocution

With all the drilling, knocking down of walls and removing of floors that you’d have to do during the remodeling job, you might run into the risk of hitting a pipe. You might end up flooding the area. If you forgot to turn off the electrical panel, given all the electrical tools that you might have to use during the process, you would be exposing yourself to the risk of getting electrocuted. The safest thing to do is to call your utility company to ask where underground utility lines run so you can avoid hitting them and causing an even bigger problem. If you do hit something, it is in your best interest to find your main electrical panel and turn the power off before addressing the issue of flooding to avoid the risk of electrocution.

7. Dangerous insects

While knocking down walls, checking around the crawlspace or attic, or simply going around areas in the house that are usually abandoned, you are bound to encounter the creatures that treat such areas as their habitat. These creatures may include deadly scorpions, black widow spiders         , snakes, centipedes, wasps, and other scary creatures. Since you cannot predict just what your least visited spots in the house, walls, ceilings or floors may be hiding, make sure to wear full-coverage clothing that will give you 100% protection from these nightmarish creatures. You just have to deal with the scare that they might give you when you encounter them face-to-face.

8. Hearing damage

Remodeling requires the use of noisy power tools, hammers, saws, and other machines that can probably damage your ears. While you might not suffer the consequences of the loud construction job tomorrow, are you confident that it won’t have a delayed adverse effect in the years to come, especially if you’re already in your senior years? Make sure to wear protective headsets, no matter how bulky they are.

Article written by AerIndustries