(402) 672-9580
(402) 445-4474
Comfort Care Homes have been in Omaha since 2002. They have 3 residential, group homes around town. These ordinary looking homes house from 6-9 residents, plus their caretakers. Please visit Comfort’s website, and look at the virtual house tours. Group homes usually have a waitlist and can be expensive, but they offer a truly amazing way to grow ol...
(402) 391-7555
(402) 763-8692
Elk Ridge is one of the rare assisted-living communities that is dedicated toward transparency in EVERYTHING they do. This is noticeable from the get-go. On their website is featured an “affordability calculator.” This ingenious invention reduces the sales-y feeling you can get at some other places, and starts your relationship with Elk Ridge on th...
(402) 596-9033
Fountain View is one of the several Dial Retirement Communities we feature on this page. That is because of iHappiness. This underlying principle shines through in all of their communities, down to the individual programming. iHappiness is a tone of compassion that is instilled in the staff at first training, and enforced over prolonged service. Em...
(402) 455-6636
(866) 344-4946
House of Hope is dedicated to keeping their residents safe. Their beautiful campus has secure entries, and wrist bracelets to make sure that nobody wanders off. Dogs and cats are also allowed in certain apartments, which can really be helpful when transitioning to a new place. There are several great shared spaces, like Steve’s Soda Shop, where res...
(402) 733-7200
(402) 913-9784
Since Prairie Meadows is a strictly Alzheimer’s community, they are able to dedicate all their energy toward being one of the best memory-care facilities in Nebraska. They offer spacious rooms, with a roommate options. A wide variety of doctors and therapists continually making the rounds, and the Meaningful Moments program truly inspires a sense o...